The Copilot Connection

Ep 15 - The roadmap for Copilot for Microsoft 365

Zoe Wilson and Kevin McDonnell

With all the announcements made last week at the M365 Conf in Orlando, Zoe and Kevin take a dive into the roadmap to see what is coming up in the short to medium term. With a lot of key updates around Excel, cross application capabilities and graph grounded chat in other applications, take a listen to find out what you can expect in the world of Copilot over the next few months.

Key links:

 M365 Conf announcements

Microsoft 365 Roadmap - See What's Coming | Microsoft 365 - Copilot Rolling Out items
Microsoft 365 Roadmap - See What's Coming | Microsoft 365 - Copilot In Development items

[Kevin 00:20]  

Welcome to the copilot connection.  


[Zoe 00:24]  

We're here to share with you all the news, insights and capabilities of the Microsoft Copilot ecosystem across the entire Microsoft stack. I'm Zoe Wilson and I'm an Executive Avanade in our modern work business, an MVP for M365-A Regional Director and a Viva Explorer.  


[Kevin 00:41]  

And I'm Kevin McDonald. I'm an MVP, a Viva Explorer and the copilot Strategy and Modern Workplace AI leader Avnot. And we'll be releasing this episode as podcasts and on YouTube, with insights from experts, from the community, and from Microsoft on what the different areas of Copilot are, the impact they can make to you and your organization, and what you need to do to prepare for them or to start implementing them now, and even how you can extend them.  


[Zoe 01:09]  

So this week we thought we'd take a look, first of all, at the news coming out of last week's M365 conference. And I don't know about you, Kevin, but I personally have major firmer looking at all of the pictures and the announcements. It looks like everyone has such a great time.  


[Kevin 01:25]  

I I I did, but not as much as I thought I might. I I think the the remembrance of how Jet lagged I felt after MVP Summit and then coming back and having the family jumping and needing lots of things slightly took it off. But it did look fantastic. It looked like they had a really good time over there and and I loved all the different workshops that seemed to go on before and afterwards. It it seemed to go on for a long, long time as well.  


[Zoe 01:50]  

Yeah, I mean, I think the workshop start, what, two or three days before the actual event.  


[Kevin 01:54]  

Yeah, and and afterwards as well. So they have some before the kind of main. What's it? 3 days of sessions, I think that two days of workshops before another day Afterwards, people were kind of travelling around. I saw was it Vesternopenum? Who was? What did he? He went to all this space Space Centre. I think it's cool around this. Others went to the Everglades and were doing videos from there and I was just like, yeah, OK, I quite like that bit, but.  


[Zoe 02:23]  

Yeah. So yeah, some of our colleagues are there as well because we were one of the sponsors and I was in a chat where people were posting pictures of them on all the rides at the theme parks and things like that as well. I, I, I yeah, it's I think, I always think it's nice when you've got a conference that in an interesting location with lots of stuff like that that you can do around it.  


[Kevin 02:47]  

Yeah, I I'm, I might get in trouble. You might tell me to edit this out, but I do have to call out Danny De Fries who's like talks about wrapping up the first day and I think it was about four in the morning that time. So I'm going to say jet lag played a part on there. But Danny, if you are listening, that was good work.  


[Zoe 03:04]  

Yeah, well so I was wondering that I was, I was. I was trying to work out, was it a very late night or was it 1/2 written message from the night before that he'd forgotten to press send on? We need to find out.  


[Kevin 03:14]  

I'm not sure we we'll ask him at some point. So Danny, if you're listening, let us know and we'll we'll make sure you don't get in trouble.  


[Zoe 03:20]  

Yeah, so, so, so Danny, he, he actually presented for for us, for our like for our sponsor session and apparently the feedback that they had, he represented with one of our Canadian colleagues, the feedback they had was that it was one of the best sessions at the entire event. So a huge shout out to Danny because I think I know he's done kind of smaller events in the Netherlands, but this is the first time that he's had the opportunity to do something of this size. So a huge well done.  


[Kevin 03:51]  

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. That's great. We shouldn't get too avanade focused on it. I know it's easy for us to do, but no, I think new speaker focus. Let's let's take it from there on there.  


[Zoe 04:01]  



[Kevin 04:03]  

So what was nice from the actual event is that obviously there was a lot of Microsoft people, there was a few 100, wasn't it or something crazy like that. So they were really back in the event and for those who weren't there immense that we got the blog announcements and that's what we're going to talk about and pull some of the Copilot highlights out from that today. But before we get on to that maybe just a couple of bits to talk about a couple of bits of news and my favorite one, Microsoft makes these announcements. They make important things but also they have a bit of fun. And I love this. On May the fourth on Star Wars day the the main Microsoft account talked about may copilot be with you. I know there's some people who hate Star Wars day and night Oh it's so gimmicky. But I I mean Star Wars and Copilot that that's completely in my geek track domain on that one. So I loved that post.  


[Zoe 04:58]  

Yeah, they definitely got a huge amount of traction as well and it it made me realise actually because in my Time Hop app that shows things from the same day a year ago I had the the the one with copilot and Clippy where it said copilot I am your father. So that must have been the one that Microsoft did for the same date last year.  


[Kevin 05:20]  

Did and how did that come from the main Microsoft account, though? That's that's got me wondering.  


[Zoe 05:25]  

Yeah, I don't know. We'll have to do some digging and talking of months as well. So obviously this is May, may the fourth be with you. It's just worth mentioning as well that our month of Copilot call for speakers closed.  


[Kevin 05:39]  

That's all right. Yes, thank you for picking up that note. I got too excited about the links on the right there. So we we extended it a few days because we realised we we hadn't put those last push of announcements and things on there. So we we added a bit more time. I'm really glad we did because we had a whole load more people submit for that as well. So we we're taking those kind of assessing making sure we don't have too much overlap because we had a lot of kind of similar sessions and we want to make sure we give everyone a good opportunity to be able to speak, but also that you're not hearing the same thing again and again. So we're breaking that down and trying to think how that's going to structure onto nicely over the the four weeks on there. So keep an eye out for the announcements around the agenda coming for that. And if you did miss the slots and you really, really think you have something special, do reach out to us. We might be a bit harsher when we're judging you, especially if you spell Copilot wrong, but we we might be able to squeeze things into the agenda as well. So do do feel free to give us a shout if there's something you suddenly got. I completely forgot. Mostly because I think both of us do that very regularly when it.  


[Zoe 06:49]  

Comes to course.  


[Kevin 06:51]  

As well.  


[Zoe 06:52]  

Yeah. I mean, one of one of the things that was really good to see, particularly in those last few days was just the breadth of sessions that were being submitted. So we we feel like we've got really good coverage across lots of the different Co pilots and we'll be pulling together a really exciting agenda for you for the month of June.  


[Kevin 07:13]  

Yeah, absolutely. I was just like I was doing a bit of analysis last night. I've got a lot on modern work, but I think it was less than 1/3 of the the total, which is really fantastic to sort of get that range of different things. Plenty on extensibility as well, and a lot around the biz app side, sort of including power platform and things. So yeah, should be, should be really good. Just going to get off our backsides and structure it. Now talking of getting off our backsides, we had an announcement from our good friend to the show. Do you want to talk about that? Sorry.  


[Zoe 07:50]  

Yeah, sure. So, so Donna Sarko has been cooking up some magic in the background over the last few months, and she put a really interesting post on LinkedIn shouting out something that will be announced at Microsoft Build, which is coming later this month, and that is Project Copilot College.  


[Kevin 08:10]  

Absolutely. So we we got a little bit actually no I don't know if you did as well. Yes, you did the MVP Summit, you got a bit of pre announcement of some of this and have a look at it and really excited. I mean hopefully the name gives you a bit of a clue to sort of thing it is I think we're talking more learning rather than spring break style college from this one although knowing Donna probably a little bit of both involved in that one but really really interested to see him there although I'm now getting distracted for those on the screen can see said if you're doing Co piloty copilot dash eyed I'm I'm just thinking it needs AY on the end I'm I'm trying to work out how that should be spelt now that's that's taken me off on slight tension there.  


[Zoe 08:58]  

So yeah, you join in the call later to find out more.  


[Kevin 09:02]  

Yes, yes, I must dig it out. But of course, NTA we, we can't say too much more about that, but we'll find out and definitely look out for all the stuff that's coming from builds. I'm desperately biting my tongue because there's a lot of really good stuff coming out at builds that will get announced that I've already heard about and I know there's some that haven't heard about yet on there. Should we, should we move on to talking about announcements now? I think you said earlier we're doing road map session today. I think it's fair to say we're a little nervous around this one about putting our foot in it and saying things that we shouldn't say from this. So if you if you hear any cuts and edits we'll put a little siren. I think I'll try and edit those if I need to edit anything out that we realise, oh can we say that, can't we? But yeah, we really don't want to lose and get in trouble from that.  


[Zoe 09:59]  

Absolutely not.  


[Kevin 10:02]  

But we we saw lots of good announcements. So we're going to start off with some of the articles that came out from that M365 conference sessions and talk about those and pick up some of the highlights from there. And the first one was about Copilot, which was good to see. And we had TJ Devine, who's been doing some really good stuff on there. And I'm just looking on my notes as to one of the things it's always interesting with these articles as I go through. There's some things that are interesting. Well, a lot of it's often interesting, but sometimes not in the order. And this for me was definitely the case because if I jump down, I think it was near the bottom. The thing I've heard most. And being very I don't want to get into Brexit here, being very close to Europe, let's let's put it like that. We hear a lot about languages. And the thing I've heard most on the socials and talking to other people is the excitement about the new languages coming to Copilot for Microsoft 365. And it's not just European ones, you know, it's Thai, Turkish, Hebrew. I know Amy Diamond is very excited about that on there. But having these additional 16 languages, these have actually landed. I know people, it says rolling out there, but I know people are already seeing these and this is for me a real game changer.  


[Zoe 11:26]  

Yeah, I mean, we've, we've seen, we've seen lots of persons on social, haven't we? So, Dan, tofts with Danish Femca and our netherland contingent of friends with Dutch, like you said, Amy, with Hebrew. So a lot of these people speak and read English, but the ease, the ease at which they'll be able to use it when it's in there, their natural language will make it much more powerful. And if they're working with customers who maybe aren't as heavy English speakers, it will also make it easy for them to drive that drive that further adoption and and usage.  


[Kevin 12:04]  

OK. I'm going to have my first potential NDA thing. So give me a wave if I'm going to there. One of the things I have heard and I'm pretty sure we can talk about this is there has been some challenges where you're talking in different languages in the same meeting. And as far as I'm aware that's that's not necessarily addressed by this, but we might try and dig something out and and get some confirmation. So I know others have talked about sotaking Swedish and then jumping to English. That copilot and teams meetings doesn't necessarily do that flipping between different languages. Well, that is one thing just to call out on that.  


[Zoe 12:45]  

Yeah, I mean, I I've been in a lot of meetings where people don't understand how the transcription settings work. So when you turn Copilot on in the meeting, you're meant to choose the language that's been spoken and it will transcribe for the whole meeting. Yeah. And and that is that is a meeting level setting and I it was it was a while back. I can't it must have been an internal meeting. But someone changed the language to Spanish Brazilian or Portuguese. Brazilian and the whole transcript was in was in Spanish or Portuguese at that point, which you know, I could still query it, but it meant that I lost my ability to actually read it. And I've been on some other Microsoft calls as well, where you just get loads of random people who keep trying to change the Copilot Transcripts language to their language, not realizing that it should be the language that is being spoken, not the language you want to hear.  


[Kevin 13:43]  

And and I agree, and to be fair, I don't think it's entirely obvious within.  


[Zoe 13:48]  

Teams. No, it's not I.  


[Kevin 13:49]  

Think that could be an improvement, but when you see people flicking it back and forth, I do remember being one meeting where there was a war between Spanish and French that did make me chuckle quite a lot. Didn't help the transcription afterwards.  


[Zoe 14:05]  

It's fair. So yeah, so I I usually change it back and then I'll put a note in the chat to tell people to stop changing it. But like you say, it's not. It's not obvious.  


[Kevin 14:14]  

Yeah, yeah. No, I agree that that could be a nice tweak to make it clearer to people around that, or even the ability. I know because PowerPoint had that ability that you could have your own subtitles and you could change those for your different languages and you had the app, so having a way to have that for different people would definitely be useful on there as well. Coming back up to the top, although it is an awful name, copilot with graph Grounded chat is now available in Outlook. And what this means is where you could within that Teams app, you could ask questions around your your own data and your own information. Now you can do that same thing within Outlook, which is, yeah, yeah, lovely.  


[Zoe 15:01]  

It's just it's.  


[Kevin 15:02]  

Just like.  


[Zoe 15:03]  

Yeah, it's just it's just another place to to be able to get into it isn't it. But for me, I think one of one of the things that I know a lot of people are asking for and that will make it more powerful is when we start to see more cross app interaction. So it doesn't matter that I've got, it almost doesn't matter to me that I've got another place that I can access Copilot in Outlook. What I want is to be able to ask Copilot stuff regardless of where I I am and take action in other.  


[Kevin 15:33]  

Apps. Yeah. I I am intrigued about this and I think if we look further down creating tune word documents more efficiently with copilots, it's it's given more of that rewrite capability. And I think it says somewhere here and I'm hoping that I haven't seen it elsewhere, but I thought it said in there that it would use your own. Yeah. Links of references and your own files. So I thought they had put some information about bringing your own information from other documents as well and you can kind of see it here. Yeah. From your company's resources within that. So you can ask that within copilot and word ask about other files in your organization. So that that is coming and I think we've got a date for that further down as well. So I think that is good. If I'm honest, I'm a little nervous because one of the things I like about that segregation is that when you're in Word, you're doing stuff around words on there and it understands that context. I think it's kind of a shame that you can't do everything else, but they also need to make sure that they don't lose that app context awareness as well. It almost needs a prioritization because you're in words, you're more likely to do these things. So it will be interesting to find how that balance works within there. I can imagine it will take a little bit of tweaking and evaluation from some of the private previews to to see how that balance works too.  


[Zoe 17:04]  

Yeah I mean for me one of the and I've I've fed this back to Microsoft as well. One of one of the big things that I'd really like to see and I don't think this is on the road map yet but I'd really love for it to be is for me to be able to ask copilot something in one app and it take an action another. So for example, being able to ask it to schedule a meeting with you and give it a topic and tell it which file and it and it create like the meeting invite and find a time that works. And obviously, I'd still check it and hit send because it is copilot, not autopilot. They're labels.  


[Kevin 17:40]  

Sorry, sorry, there is no way Co pilot's going to find a slot in your diary. That's just not possible.  


[Zoe 17:46]  

Well, maybe someone slightly less busy, but you know, for at least at least for it to have a good go or for me to be able to take the output, like, you know, the action items from a meeting and ask it to create tasks which will assign to people. Yeah. And again, you know, it could say these are the proposed tasks with the proposed duties, do you agree? And then I'd have to say yes, those are correct or I can edit them. But it's it's those kinds of next level integrations between the apps which I think will drive even more adoption and efficiency.  


[Kevin 18:22]  

Yeah, absolutely agree. And it kind of related to that and trying to move things on a little bit. I was intrigued about this one about you've got that ability within the kind of main copilot, the one within teams to kind of use a slash in its searches across your files. So you can reference a specific file they're introducing in May this ability to use local files of that as well. So it's kind of stepping over that boundary of kind of cloud only within there. So not quite so much across apps, but across those different areas. And again, I have very mixed feelings about this. I I kind of like that Copilot is up there in the cloud, it's that segregation. And I've had a few people sort of say, well hang on, is, is the content on my PC, is that indexed? And I've always said no. Now suddenly you're kind of opening up to bringing that into the index. Where does that data sit? Will sensitivity labels trigger off that? Etcetera. So I I I imagine there's been a lot of demands for this and that's why Microsoft's doing it. But I I do have slight nerves around the the kind of detail of this and and what it means by crossing that boundary.  


[Zoe 19:33]  

Yeah, no, I'd agree. I mean, I'm assuming that because you have to type the/ and the file name, it won't be indexed and you'll still you'll still have to find it and navigate to it. But from a user perspective, being able to explain what's in and what's out suddenly gets a little bit more complex.  


[Kevin 19:51]  

Yeah. And I assume it's just that one off, it takes it for that conversation and then loses all memory. But that's that's something I'd be interested to to see more detail on and make sure that is the case because. I know we'll get questions on it at some point. Moving on, there was a, again, we'll put 4 links into this in the newsletter that we have out. There's some nice ones coming around. Copilot and Excel also here securely accessing the Copilot web chat in the Copilot mobile app. So it does very laugh that copilot formerly being chat enterprise. How long? I think it's been almost six months since that name has changed, yet that's still in there. It's almost like people referring to X, the artist formerly known as Twitter still comes in there as well. So what's what I think is good with this is now you're bringing that commercial data protection copilot into the the web app. Now I I actually thought this was in there already, so I don't know if I had a preview build, but I don't think so. So this caught me out slightly this one because I I thought this was the case already. So maybe a warning to people to double check that and make sure they are aware of it as well. And good to note that IT admins can manage that that copilot mobile app with Intune as well. I know that's often kind of thought to be one of the first things that happens but isn't in there. So good news with that. Hopefully not worrying news to anyone on there as well. And then the final one I liked when this article languages. Yeah, it was around the Copilot Academy in Viva learning and I saw this, this pop up and gave me a warning in my tenants to say this is now available. So again, it's that training, it's that adoption aspect to make it easy for people to know what's what can happen from that. I guess there's probably some badges we need to get with that as well. Zoe isn't there.  


[Zoe 21:54]  

Yeah, have you actually looked at the content yet?  


[Kevin 21:59]  

Uh, of course I have. I'd always be that prepared. It's amazing.  


[Zoe 22:03]  

Yeah, so, so having looked, I haven't looked at the content of the content, but I have looked at what content is there and I think for people who are new to using copilot for M365 it will help, you know, it will help them understand how to get started. But for people who are looking for content, that's going to help mature their use or help them understand the kind of you know what to do once they've got over. Like how do I actually use it from a basic perspective? I still think there needs to be organization focus on change enablement.  


[Kevin 22:36]  

Are you saying sorry instead of Academy? We need a college for that more advanced level stuff.  


[Zoe 22:42]  

Entirely possible.  


[Kevin 22:45]  

I'm saying no more before I get in trouble. So yeah, some other. You know, there's some other good news in there for those who like this things. These details on managing Copilot validability in Teams meeting and restricted SharePoint Search Our best friends that isn't just there because people don't manage their environments properly, always sit out loud. Sorry within there. So there's there's a few other articles in there as well. Should we go on to having a look at teams and some of the announcements that came out with that as well. And obviously a lot of these other articles aren't just copilot. So we're going to zoom into some of the more focused Copilot areas and obviously Copilot is central to a lot of the announcements and this one on teams was around multi turn conversations with Copilot in chats and channels. Again this caught me out. I think it's one of those things that I thought was there already, but is obviously an an evolution of what's been available around this. So this is having that continued conversation with Copilot within there?  


[Zoe 23:57]  

Yeah, so I thought that was there already.  


[Kevin 24:00]  

Yeah, I.  


[Zoe 24:00]  

Certainly use it that way.  


[Kevin 24:05]  

Yeah. So it will be interesting to see if this is something that has come through and they're just trying to bring more attention to it rather than a new solution within there as well. But the reason I brought this in there, it's the main copilot thing within this team's blog. But also I think it's really important to kind of have that evolution of how many of sorry not evolution have that reminder for people that you actually can have that ongoing chat. So when you ask it a question, it will continue along that route as well. I'm just thinking sometimes if you if you go into that copilot certainly in a meeting recap you you often see those previous conversations are in there, which to me suggests it's not turn based as well. So maybe that has been the the extension there?  


[Zoe 25:03]  

Yeah, it's making me want to go test it.  


[Kevin 25:07]  

I think we've both gone quiet as our kind of cogs are turning because I'm also looking on this screenshot, there's no usually get the kind of one of 32 of 30 because you've got that number of conversations that that doesn't show up on here so.  


[Zoe 25:25]  

Yeah, that's in the main copilot chat, isn't it? But this is like if you ask it to summarise, you know what have I missed in the busy group chat when I when it was the UK public holiday yesterday?  


[Kevin 25:38]  



[Zoe 25:39]  

So does is that.  


[Kevin 25:40]  

Chapter. I should have done that, yeah.  


[Zoe 25:42]  

Is that chat? I'm sorry, I'm just, I am testing in the background. Yeah, So I just had, I asked, I asked copilot a question and it's still there when I've gone back in later. So we'll play with that one and figure it out.  


[Kevin 25:57]  

Yeah, yeah, intrigued what the difference is specifically there. And again, it doesn't within this post. It doesn't give a date of when that is. So we might come back to that one a little bit as well. Next up and there were quite a few here around the the SharePoint advanced management within that. So this is part of the SharePoint premium capabilities. I was a little disappointed not to see more detail of the licensing around SharePoint Premium and what is what is coming within that. But there were elements like this, the content solution with the agreement solution not to Co piloty, but that ability to have your agreements in one place in terms of Co pilots. There were lots bit further down around these kind of content oversharing. So this is we have Michael Pisarek on the long show from Augustree and talked about copilot readiness. This is one of those tools that has that capability to do that, that preparation of your content. So looking at your oversharing, looking at restricted access, I think within here it's got the site life cycle. I think that was further down within their, I can't see that. So you've got those permission states. So you can look at for example any sites that have got more than 5000 users set up and there it's just giving you those tools at a cost. There is an additional license for these that will come into there that would allow you to run those different reports across your environment and start to prepare from there. And I particularly like there we go, the site access reviews so that you can initiate those owners to take control because it's not just the responsibility of admins for the whole tenant to look after that. The site owners have got to take some of the responsibility. So I like the way here. It's pushing that onto the owners to saying here's your site access, please go in and review that. So some nice nice updates that are worth delving into for people looking at that side as well.  


[Zoe 28:08]  

Yeah, definitely needed. I think for organisations that are looking at deploying Copilot at scale, that don't have anything like this in place, it's going to be a a huge, a huge world of hurt amount of potential risk because that that oversharing, those incorrect permissions will be there. You just don't know how bad they're going to be and there's nothing in place to help mitigate it.  


[Kevin 28:33]  

Yeah, absolutely. It's worth saying again, we we don't work for Microsoft, which means we can kind of pull out things. At the moment this only works for up to 10,000 sites. So if your tenant has more than that, go and speak to Microsoft and let them know that you need that extra scale and things on there. I'm hoping that's something Microsoft are looking at and expanding on there. But at the moment there is that kind of slight slight concern within there. So that that is just one thing. I'd flag with these for the larger organizations or or those who just like creating sites which can happen at smaller orgs as well.  


[Zoe 29:16]  

Yeah. All right. So what? What have we got next?  


[Kevin 29:20]  

And Zoe, I know you sent that in the private chat, yes, and I'm not mentioning that. Don't try and trick me.  


[Zoe 29:28]  

There's a reason it was in the private chat, Kevin.  


[Kevin 29:34]  



[Zoe 29:34]  

And it was, it wasn't a tricky.  


[Kevin 29:37]  

OK. OK. I'll just check on that. Sorry, you were saying.  


[Zoe 29:43]  

Before that, yeah. Is it time to move on to the road map?  


[Kevin 29:48]  

Yeah, absolutely. So for this road map, what we've done is literally look at the the M365 road map. So for those who are looking on the screen you can go to slash. I've got EN GB so your region. But if you just go into Bing or Google and search for Microsoft 365 road map because that's what I do every single time. You can see what's been announced and what is available with Timing's explain why I'm smirking for those on the camera on there and when they're going to be released and you can filter and all I've done for this is gone in and do a search for Copilot and brought out the item. So you can see there's 75 items in development, seven are rolling out and 28 have been launched. And one of the reason I want to do this show is I think actually it was a chat with Sarah Fenner we had that we were quite surprised maybe it's two, maybe three months ago that there weren't actually many items for Copilot in this list. And I looked a week or so ago and there was a whole load and a lot of things announced as in development. So really good to see that change in terms of things happening within there. I see we're getting the cat invasion again for cat lovers out there.  


[Zoe 31:07]  

Yeah, I mean I think when copilot went GA on the 1st of November, they were probably about 12 items in the full road map, road map and that's in all all of these different states. So you can see just how much this has grown. I mean, that must be what, an additional 100 plus in the time since since it went GA, which is phenomenal.  


[Kevin 31:29]  

Yeah. And and it's worth saying some of those announcements that we've just talked about, some are in that road map, some aren't. There's not just because Michael said something's coming. They don't always add it to the road map, especially if there's not, if they haven't shared a timeline around that. So it is worth noting on that and my smirk I had earlier is you'll see in a minute and this may have updated since I looked on Friday, but you'll see in a minute that some are rolling out in April and seeing since it's the 7th of May, they may have some updating to do. I'm, I'm going to give them, give them a bit of leeway because they were at the Microsoft 365 conference, so maybe they've just had a chance to do that now as well. So we can see some of these rolling out. And I think I'm just looking through my notes. No, this is about the same as I saw on Friday on there. So a couple of highlights I thought worth calling out was copilot in stream and I think so and again, I'm not trying to trick you here. I think you've been on the preview for this and have been looking at this a little bit on there. So actually, maybe I won't ask you to speak just so you don't put your foot in it at all, but talking through here much like you can with Microsoft Copilot where you can open YouTube and you can ask it to do a summary of that YouTube video. You can do that sort of thing. So you can summarise if you have a transcript for that video, which generally stream will create for you unless you've locked it down within there. But you can get a summary of that video. You can dive into questions within that. And I think that's a really powerful way. I know the number of times I've asked people, have you recorded this meeting? Yes, Fantastic. And I've never gone back to look at it or I've looked at the 1st, 5 or 10 minutes and tried to do it on Fast forward. Now you can kind of have that recording or you could have someone's uploaded a presentation and you can get a summary of what's in there and it's either maybe you don't need to watch it or maybe you can jump to specific bits on it on on where where you're interested in things as well. So I'm really looking forward to getting hold of this myself and giving it a try. And that's that's due to start rolling out now apparently.  


[Zoe 33:43]  

All last month.  


[Kevin 33:46]  

So that that should be hitting to people. I might check my tenants after this and see if it When I checked on Friday it wasn't there. Sadly because I said that she needed for recording, I had and think about it. I see my brains going off now think about this would be really useful and save me some ways your credits if I can use the transcripts on this and upload those and some and do the summaries for Copilot connection as well, it'll be really nice from there. So worth checking on that. There was some mobile enhancements. So and again these are the things you kind of forget sometimes they're not there immediately on that. So Co piloting teams during a meeting on mobile devices, you may kind of be used to desktop be away from your desk and cooking going oh I can use Copilot, just do a quick summary. Wait, it doesn't work. Well good news starting in May and rolling out now is that ability. So you can ask those questions in there as well, which is really helpful. And even things like the citation, so the citations are where you've got the document you want the link to a particular point. They weren't there in mobile initially. They're rolling out now as well.  


[Zoe 35:00]  

And just just to be clear, there's a citations for copilot in teams meetings, so again, it's citations into the transcript rather than into a file.  


[Kevin 35:09]  

Yeah, yeah. No, that's a that's a good point on there. So you can jump to to that one. And I'm always fascinated about how it does that. It seems fairly good because generally you want those summaries to kind of be a summary of different parts of it, but it actually seems to work fairly well from that as well. The other one, and actually this this year was in the won the announcements. I think it was in the copilot. One was around support for complex formulas. So formulas such as X look up and some if within excel. Now someone who loves a good V lock up, good H look up and probably who should use X look up a bit more often. I'm quite excited about this because I think people struggle with it but I think this will be really really helpful. Looking forward to giving this a go as well.  


[Zoe 35:57]  

Yeah, definitely. I think XLE is is good to see some enhancements coming for Excel because it I know it was umm released to those who were in the preview later than all of the other products, and he definitely feels like it's not as mature in terms of its capabilities. So really good to see some of the more advanced capabilities. And if you're an Excel wizard then you might not use this, it might be quicker for you to do it yourself because you've got that muscle memory. But for people who don't know how to do this, it's suddenly unlocks a whole heap of new possibility for them.  


[Kevin 36:30]  

Yeah, and also if you've seen someone do something, it's like I've seen them do something clever, but I can't really remember how to do it. Then you can use that natural language and have it work towards their on their. So it's kind of knowing what's available and what's not as well, right? Shall we move on to? One's in development on there. And I love this. And I'm very happy that things haven't changed since Friday because top of the list is plug insurance and extensibility is one of my favourites from this one. So users can now use plugins via to expand Copilot skills. And it's funny the road map, because something like this is massive, you know, with one of our most popular shows was on extensibility. Yet in the road map, it's just that one tiny little line with in there that comes through. I feel we need a catalogue for those who weren't watching on video.  


[Zoe 37:28]  

Yeah, well, I keep, I keep using the mute button strategically to try and hide the factors meowing around the room in the background. But yeah, I mean, for me, you know, plugins extensibility, I know it says Preview available from March, which was a few weeks ago. Now this is one of the most eagerly awaited capabilities. And for a lot of those organizations who've been using Copilot from the start of the Early Access program, they're eagerly waiting now for this to mature so they can start to understand what it really means in terms of integrating into their lines of business systems and bringing their data in so Copilot can reason over it. So you're right, one this one line doesn't really encompass the possibility possibilities of this update.  


[Kevin 38:15]  

Yeah, absolutely. Now I've got one of those things we might need to go back and edit because I believe it is public knowledge that you can raise a support request to to have this enabled and join the the preview. I'm gonna try and have a look because I'm pretty sure that I saw that in a public link and we'll add that to the show notes and if it's not then we might have edited this bit out.  


[Zoe 38:40]  

Yeah, I think, I think it's the developer tap tap link, Kevin. I think the way that you can get it, the way you can get it enabled is by joining the developer tap program which people.  


[Kevin 38:52]  



[Zoe 38:53]  

Gary Fabian of They've posted about how to join the Developer Tap program online.  


[Kevin 38:59]  

Yeah, so yeah, I'm going to keep quiet then and go and double check the links that certainly there's a link to the tap within there that others have another you can get it requested in some way. So I'll find the official notes for that and try and share that, but that sounds good, right? Moving quickly on before I get into more trouble. Next up, there's a few fever ones here, so I'm not going to go through all of these, but kind of summarise some of the different ones. A lot of these were around Viva Goals, so Copilot and Goals is available now if you have that. I think it's just if you have that Goals license. Oh no, maybe it needs the Viva Suite licence. I know it was in preview that was available for everyone with the goals. Now I think you need the Viva Suite licence and you've got that ability to summarise a document and create OK Rs from those to use natural language text which will then get reformatted as an OK, which I really love because I think a lot of people misunderstands getting getting things into that right format for OK Rs on there. So I think that will make life easier for people as well. So really, really nice to that, that is already available. We're also seeing that Viva Goals M365 chat plug in and.  


[Zoe 40:23]  

Yeah. So that that that chat plug in that those are the kind of thing that's interesting to me because that's starting to show that cross app integration that we're looking for. And I know that I think for sales copilot that integration has been there for a little while.  


[Kevin 40:41]  

Was that Copilot for sales or Copilot?  


[Zoe 40:43]  

For sales is the bundle, sales Copilot is the add in.  


[Kevin 40:48]  

I know, I know.  


[Zoe 40:50]  

Yeah, so.  


[Kevin 40:51]  

So before anyone trying to catch us out on that one.  


[Zoe 40:53]  

Yeah. So, so this this to me is a good indicator of the director direction of travel and I think we'll we'll see this continue where we we see other Microsoft products having that integration into the M365 chat through a plug in.  


[Kevin 41:10]  

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So really, really nice side. I've had a quick play with that. There's his preview available was 2024, but I've seen that in both my tenants, so that's intriguing. Maybe there's additional things coming for that because that's been available for a while. I've seen on public videos as well. OK, might be to double check that one as well. Moving quickly on the other one coming in September is Copilot Assisted Check-ins for Viva Goals. So this is when you're doing your check in having Cobalt help you write the text I believe for that one to make it easier to draft those. And and I know you often, if you're doing your check insurance, I see mine for my internal team, we we're using Viva goals for this and I need to go and update some of those. You just want to kind of get your point across but then summarise it. So A you might waffle on too much and you want to make that shorter or you've just got a couple of points that you want to expand on. You can use Copilot directly there within Viva goals to do that which is very nice from there as well. And I think similar things coming for Amplify and Engage that I saw further down here, Oh no, sorry this was in amplifying Engage. I bundled these ones together because they they've got the packs. So like here as I'm showing on screen the copilot deployment kits for Viva Amplify. So having those pre written publications to to support kind of roll outs with Copilot which will, yeah, you know I think we talked about these last week, didn't we And we were kind of yeah, well they're they're there, they're OK, but they may be very useful some people as well.  


[Zoe 42:54]  

Yeah, it's interesting, isn't it? Because I know a lot of bigger enterprise organisations will they'll they'll want those comms to be very tailored to to them, to their values, their culture, their way of working. But at least this gives a starting point.  


[Kevin 43:09]  

Yeah, yeah, absolutely on there as well. And there was a similar thing for Aviva Engage of having those communities, which I think to me that's a bit more important around there about building those communities. So I really like that one because that suddenly at Avanade that's where we've seen the real powers people kind of asking questions, sharing good ideas as well, which I've really liked from. That's a really important now I'm going to have to do some hunting for this one, but Zoe, I saw one was the combined transcript and chat in meetings on there, which got me very excited.  


[Zoe 43:49]  

Yeah, I think. I think that's a great one, isn't it? Because if you're using Copilot in meetings, I know that it could be really confusing because you've got one copilot button that helps you summarize or ask questions of what's happening in the chat. And then you have the in meeting copilot which helps you reason over the content of the transcript. And those two things, they're both meeting assets or artifacts and really copilot should be able to reason over both of them together because what often happens in the comments is basically a side chat. It's a continuation of the the, the audio discussion that's happening in a meeting.  


[Kevin 44:30]  

Yeah, absolutely. And it's on my favorite bits those the side chat, but it it needs to work in conjunction with that and almost no at the point that that's that question has been asked often that's relevant to what's being said at the time as well. So you kind of need that time logic between them and to bring those two things together. So really keen to see that roll out starting in July 2024 for that one. So I think that will be a really powerful one as well.  


[Zoe 44:59]  

Yeah, and there were lots of other meeting related updates in here as well. So things like the the way that meeting transcripts can be managed and recorded.  


[Kevin 45:16]  

Yeah, that's a good point. I didn't see that one. That's that's the fact they're moving to OneDrive, isn't it?  


[Zoe 45:22]  

Yeah, it's it's definitely, it's definitely in the road map because I was looking at that just just the other day.  


[Kevin 45:31]  

I I have a feeling that's that hasn't come up because it's it's basically a teams thing not a copilot thing but it's obviously very important for copilot, but that's that's a good shout. Really, really important one that one. Yeah. And and why? Why is that so important, Zoe?  


[Zoe 45:47]  

Well, I mean we, we see this with a lot of organizations that we work with who are in highly regulated industries where typically the, the culture of the organization means that recording and transcription are not enabled by default. And if recording, if if transcription is turned on and and transcript only is used in a meeting, then that's stored in exchange in the user's mailbox at a place that can't be accessed from a retention policy or governance perspective, If if it's recorded then it's got the recording and the transcripts and they're both saved together. So that's slightly different. But one of the the big blockers that we've seen with enterprise organizations is the fact that for them to be comfortable turning on transcription for those who are licensed for Copilot, they need a way to be able to govern and apply retention policies. And you know it needs to be more more auditable and and that kind of thing which yeah we I think this is this is something that's really important to be able to drive full use of the capabilities in in big enterprise organisations that are quite risk averse.  


[Kevin 46:58]  

Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. So I think we see June or May that one.  


[Zoe 47:05]  

June, I think there's a whole, there's a whole, there's a, yeah, there's a whole bundle of like meeting governance type features that I think are all due to land at the same time in June.  


[Kevin 47:16]  

Yeah, so worth looking out for that one. And the the other one on meetings that caught my attention was speaker recognition and attribution for all teams rooms. So I know we've had those smart devices for a while that's been able to recognize different people now that's going to be kind of built in with Copilot as well. I'd be intrigued. I know we have comms first coming up next month being treated to know what some of those device vendors think about that, the different comparisons.  


[Zoe 47:48]  

It's really interesting though, because when I first got my copilot license, I remember going to a hybrid meeting where we had about, I don't know, 10 people in a meeting room in London and about 5 people who joined virtually. And I don't know if it was just because we all did intros at the start of the room and I'm not sure what teams room devices were in that room, whether they were intelligent speakers. But I was really surprised afterwards because this was the first time that I'd actually really been able to test copilot in meetings. And I'd say with about 80 to 85% accuracy actually identified and correctly attributed comments and actions to people. And this was back at the start of the Early Access program.  


[Kevin 48:32]  

I it's interesting that you see that because I think I haven't noticed that quite so much recently where that's one of those things that they started putting on and then took away or not, I don't know. And then they're bringing it back as a more formal thing that that would be interesting. I haven't seen anything that formally said that or not. But yeah, you're right. I don't know if we're talking about the same meeting we're in, but I saw quite a lot of that that came out really, really well, and especially for tasks and things that it would pick up. And I know where where I've kind of recorded demos as well that it generally picks up the the right names. Although I've then seen other occasions where we recorded a very funny demo and one of our colleagues decided to take the part of a woman for reasons known only to him and including doing the voice as well. And sometimes when I ask you transcription, it picks up the name of the person he's pretending to be, and sometimes it will pick it up as being his name, which was really, really interesting to kind of see. Depending on the questions you asked and what mood copilot was in, you got different results back of that. And don't don't worry, Derek, I won't name you.  


[Zoe 49:46]  



[Kevin 49:49]  

We'll find out if he listens. Let's see what was the other one. So there was some around chat. Let me bring those up. The first one, Oh, sorry, that team speaker recognition that's due for June. So again, it's part of that swathe of things around meetings that you were talking about there with the chat. So this is around the the main Microsoft Copilot within teams bringing nudges to insert data sources. Now I'm going to have to remind myself on there so the the exact article says use nudges to ground prompts in data sources to improve prompt responses in Copilot with graph grounding chat. Oh, now I'm getting nervous and NDA conversations with this one. So I I think that when it talks about here, if it's to me, if I was reading that independently I would see data sources being your graph connectors within there. So this to me looks like it's kind of helping root towards your Grafton connection connected data. So for for us, you know we've we've got ServiceNow and I've seen that in a few places that service nails are not available. But it's not always the best at rooting towards ServiceNow unless you're very specific. This I'm taking is improving the ability to do that within there and I'm going to shut up at that point because I've heard some things that's going to get me in trouble. So I will take that assumption and hope that that is the case around that one. The other one that was was intriguing. I think this kind of fits with the kind of pre someone asked the other day, what's the difference between using Copilot and just building your own copilot pointing at the graph and having your own data. And to me it's some of those kind of pre canned prompts that are more effective and this looks like another one those around SWOT analysis. So those oh, I've got to make sure I get this right. I think strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and a pro con list of documents. So I I this could be very useful. And I know, I know my mum in the civil service used to love a good sort analysis, so I can see many people there using those.  


[Zoe 52:27]  

It's interesting as well because if you think back to the marketing videos that were released in March last year when they first announced Copilot for M365 doing a SWOT analysis of a document, was that or or a presentation or something that was that, It was actually in the marketing video, wasn't it?  


[Kevin 52:43]  

Yeah, no, that's that's really true. That's so, yeah, finally catching up with some of those marketing videos. I I know, Zoe, you love good marketing video as well. So I'm going to move on quickly from that. The other one, and this is an interesting one and again there's not huge amounts of information. More info just points you to the Copilot adoption page. But Copilot in Excel, we talked earlier about it being in preview as of Tune seeing a full roll out now that could be they just changing the name and saying yes, we're happy with this now I think and I hope that we will see more capabilities coming off the back of that within there. So come June, what I'm hoping is that we will see some more capabilities. We can see that come June as well. Copilot Excel has craft grounded chats within there. We can see that's ability to kind of analyse from across the graph beyond your active Excel workbook within there. So you can start again as so you were saying unfortunately it's just had to go and knock to the door, but as she was saying there that kind of cross the different boundaries that there will be that capability there. So really looking forward to seeing more within that and we've got more around conditional formatting, some additional supports for that and those file references. So come may Excel will start to have that ability to reference PDF and Excel files so you can reference other Excels from within there as well. So hopefully see some great improvements on Excel. The next one, and I'm intrigued because there's not. For those of you who can see on screen, there is 12345 different entries, all calls. Microsoft Copilot find the perfect visual with Copilot and Designer in Word, although there's one slightly worded differently as well. What this says is copilot Word now integrates with Designer to help you find the perfect image or creator banner to bring your document to life. So rolling out in June according to this is that ability I'm hoping to start to bring images, AI generated images into Word.  


[Zoe 55:15]  

Do you? I do. I do wonder if instead of it all being forward, it should be in PowerPoint in Outlook in one note.  


[Kevin 55:25]  

Yeah, and I I can see this entry says in April, So apparently it's there already according to this. So there's there's obviously something weird going on, but I'm taking that as a positive sign. Funny enough, I was asking Microsoft this question around this the other day and they they didn't have an answer then for when it's coming up. So whether this is a mistake and it's not coming then or whether it's mistaken they weren't meant to announce it yet or whether it is coming then I can't say for sure on there. But a good excuse to nag people and find out, right there was a couple, sorry you've got to disappear soon. So I'm going to try and get through a couple of bits on here as well and talk through them more. Outlook has this ability to schedule with Copilot and Outlook and I think this is what you were talking about earlier Zoe to a little bit. So be able to come from an e-mail when it comes through. Help schedule that that meeting with someone. Point Maurice. You've gone.  


[Zoe 56:29]  

No. So I think this is a good first step. So in the way that you can now take an e-mail thread and you can reply all with meeting and it basically turns that thread into a meeting. The way I'm reading this is that if you hit schedule with meeting, it's actually going to use the context of the thread to create things like the agenda, attach any files from the thread, that kind of thing. So it's a good.  


[Kevin 56:55]  



[Zoe 56:57]  

But it's not. Well, it's not even finding a thought. It's for you to do this, you need to be an Outlook and you need to be on the thread rather than me being in Copilot, chatting in the browser, or in Teams and being able to prompt it from there.  


[Kevin 57:12]  

Yeah, of course. So not quite the same there. So again, nice massive game changer. What I think is a bigger one, and I think we might even have spoken about this a few weeks ago, was Copilot in classic Outlook. I have to be honest, I thought this was out already on there that I thought I'd heard from people saying they had this, but looks like it's rolling out in preview in May with the roll out plans for June. So this is for those who've got the classic outlook, not the modern new outlook, which I know some people are passionately love out there. You can now get that same Copilot experience.  


[Zoe 57:55]  

Yeah, so, so this this is the Copilot app on the left hand bar, isn't it? Rather that I think Copilot features in Outlook are already in Classic to an extent.  


[Kevin 58:06]  

Ah, that's what it, right. OK, so that's what the difference is with this one. OK, that's that makes more sense because.  


[Zoe 58:14]  

That because I don't I don't think classic outlook is at feature parity with new outlook yet. From a copilot perspective, well, it's not obvious that they so, so new outlook doesn't have each parity with classic outlook generally. But from a copilot perspective, oh, there's.  


[Kevin 58:30]  

A kind of worms on that one. So, yes, OK. So that's less exciting because we have that already. The other three ones and I'll put links to these in the the newsletter Loop is coming, sorry copilot in Loop is coming in May. So that ability to kind of generate pages and get more integration there, which I think would be very welcome. copilot and planner is coming in April. I know there's the the new planner and lots to talk about that integration of tracking your task everywhere. So having that Planner capability and I will dig out, I think there has been a blog post around that the kind of licensing requirements for that which are always add some interesting bits to the conversation that I don't think we're actually in the road map as is often the case. So there is some information on that as well. The other ones that I just wanted to highlight within here is more for admins and there's that usage reports for Copilot with commercial data protection. So we've got within the admin usage reports those ability to kind of see how people are using Copilot for Microsoft 365. These are now be extended for effectively those who are using it in Bing and the assuming the Copilot mobile app as well. So I think that would be very interesting to kind of get that understanding of where people are using that copilot capability from within there as well. And then the the final one that I think is worth showing is this new Purview compliance portal. So the AI hub in Microsoft Purview that's starting to roll out in May. I'm I'm kind of looking at those may ones are going, but build is in May, maybe we'll see some interesting information from there from that. But really excited I think the the capabilities and the need for people to manage that. Is is key for those as well so.  


[Zoe 01:00:27]  

And I do. We'll have to do a post build special because like you say, I'm expecting tons of great stuff to come out at build.  


[Kevin 01:00:34]  

We we might need several specials to fit all that in as well. So yes, that was a run through some of the robot items that we can publicly talk about and I don't think we put our foot in it anywhere there, but I've made a couple of notes to just to double check.  


[Zoe 01:00:53]  

Yes, Yeah. So. So we've got a busy month coming up, haven't we, Kevin? What? What's next week?  


[Kevin 01:01:01]  

Yes, next week I am going to be on a very long train over to Wiesbaden in Germany for the collapse summits or I should say the Collab Summit Europe. Sorry, I don't annoy Eric and Mark over in Dallas for that one, but it's it's an incredible event. Was it 2700 tickets sold, last I heard and I think they they've still got a few available but not many. So it it's going to be absolutely massive.  


[Zoe 01:01:28]  

Yeah so I was, I was actually just having a look at the agenda to see what copilot sessions we've got. So again, we've got Microsoft attending, Mark Cashman list Sunday at Cathy Due. Fabian Williams are all delivering a modern work in the era of AI session, Tony Pearl and Martina Grammar. They've got an extensibility session actually there's there's a few extensibility settlements. Yeah, yeah. If you go to agenda and then there's a copilot filter on the right hand side. If you Scroll down we've got a security copilot in M365 defender from Tobias Martin and Dominic Hoofling. Our very own Mark Rackley is there talking about Be your own Copilot, how to create your own Gen. AI assistance. I've got a session talking about the human impact of Copilot.  


[Kevin 01:02:24]  

I know that people can't see this on the screen, but Mark has a very zoomed in photo.  


[Zoe 01:02:31]  

Brilliant, brilliant. And then, yeah. Mark Cashman Understanding M365 Copilot session on the second day as well.  


[Kevin 01:02:42]  

No, that looks really good. I'm looking forward to yeah going to a lot of those sessions certainly that modern work in the year of AII think that's one of the kind of key notes. Yeah. It's not the keynotes, but when they kind of kick off days as well and well, I will, I will be sneaking a bit of Copilot in as well, a prize to anyone who manages not to mention Copilot in this session. And that includes not saying, oh by the way, I'm not mentioning Copilot, but I'm talking about Viva goals and how you can align your strategy to your, oh gosh, my brain's gone now your your strategy to your deliverables. Basically talking about how Viva goals and planner and projects can now sit and work together to kind of get your day-to-day activities towards what your strategy is. And I will certainly be using Copilot to refresh some of my slides and to generate the environment because the environment I had has sadly disappeared. So I'm going to have to recreate a load of things for that, which is this week's task as I found out last week and not making me stress. I'm hoping there's a good Internet connection on the train going over. That's fair to say.  


[Zoe 01:03:54]  

How long is the train ride?  


[Kevin 01:03:56]  

What's? I think it's about 8 hours with sort of few stops and things in there.  


[Zoe 01:04:02]  

Yeah, so I've I've I've got to get the train down to London City Airport. So even though my flight's not very long, I think door to door I'm probably looking at a similar amount of time.  


[Kevin 01:04:13]  

It's about to say and that's that's what I thought is that door to door is about the same and it will take me right next to the the venue. So very, very much looking forward to it and even better, on the way back I have the pleasure of coming up with Al Eardley and his lovely wife so and she will probably be going to sleep as we talk for hours on end.  


[Zoe 01:04:33]  

Sounds like a fantastic journey for you and Al. Maybe not so much for AL's wife.  


[Kevin 01:04:38]  

Yes. And then what's it the week after? Or is it two weeks after that? Is Microsoft Build so lots one week after that?  


[Zoe 01:04:45]  

Isn't it so? Lots.  


[Kevin 01:04:46]  

Going on, make sure you was it Make sure you've signed up for that. Even if you're not attending in person, there's going to be a lot of exciting announcements.  


[Zoe 01:04:55]  

Coming from Yeah, I'm I'm quite sad that I'm not attending this year. It was a really great event last year, but well, fortunately for my brother, he turns 40 the same week and I'm not sure he'd appreciate me being at his party with the same jet lag you were complaining about after MVP summits.  


[Kevin 01:05:13]  

Yeah, save that for the hangover for the next day instead.  


[Zoe 01:05:16]  

Well, yeah, I don't. I don't know if I I don't know if I'd want a hangover with that level of jet lag either.  


[Kevin 01:05:23]  

Yeah, that is true as well. And then we got coming to June, this comes first coming up and there's another big event in June, isn't it? But I've suddenly gone out my head. But yes, some really good events coming up and I know, yeah.  


[Zoe 01:05:35]  

Isn't the Power Platform, Isn't the European Power Platform conference in June?  


[Kevin 01:05:40]  

That's right. Yeah, that's I think the the week before come to us. So I think the week of 13th of June.  


[Zoe 01:05:48]  

And of course, the most important event of all in June, the month of Copilot was.  


[Kevin 01:05:53]  

The other one I was remembering. So yes, I'm just in denial.  


[Zoe 01:06:05]  

Brilliant. Well, there.  


[Kevin 01:06:07]  

Is another event for those based in London coming in June, but keep an eye on my socials For more information on that. Coming soon, and AI and Copilot will be fundamental to that, but I can't take too much yet without getting in trouble.  


[Zoe 01:06:22]  

Sounds intriguing. So we've got lots more big things planned for future episodes. We'll be reaching out to everyone who kindly submitted for the month of copilot very shortly. We're looking forward to getting all of your sessions and we can't wait to share that with all of you who listen to this. We're lining up loads more experts. We we're going to be running some live sessions through the month of June as well as the recorded sessions that will be distributing every every day. So if you are doing things with Copilot, if you want.  


[Kevin 01:06:59]  

You're just committed to that publicly? Oh no.  


[Zoe 01:07:04]  

Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, we can. He's fine. It's easier to it's easier to do life things.  


[Kevin 01:07:10]  



[Zoe 01:07:11]  

Yeah, so and so if you're doing interesting things with Copilot and you want to chat to me and Kevin, reach out, get in touch. Like Kevin said earlier, if you missed a call speakers but you realise you've got something really interesting that you want to share with the world, get in touch with us and we might give you the secret links, session eyes.  


[Kevin 01:07:32]  

Absolutely. And if you want to hear more from us on the Copilot connection, please, please, please subscribe to us. Follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter. You can subscribe to the podcast on YouTube and all the podcast apps. Tell your colleagues about it, your clients, your friends, even your parents. And ask all of them to submit a lovely review for us as well, because everyone's intrigued by Copilot. So get that word out about the Copilot connection now.  


[Zoe 01:08:00]  

Thanks very much for listening and look forward to talking more soon.  


[Kevin 01:08:05]  

Thanks a lot. Bye.  


[Zoe 01:08:07]  
